
Tuesday, March 1, 2016


About 5 or 6 years ago my colleagues at Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute and I made public a large set of behavioral data from language and cognitive tasks performed by people with aphasia. Our goal was to facilitate larger-scale research on spoken language processing and how it is impaired following left hemisphere stroke. We are pleased to announce that we have completed a thorough redesign of Moss Aphasia Psycholinguistics Project Database site. The MAPPD 2.0 interface is much simpler and easier to use, geared toward letting users download the data they want and analyze it themselves. 

The core of this database is single-trial picture naming and word repetition data for over 300 participants (including 20 neurologically intact control participants) with detailed target word and response information. The database also contains basic demographic and clinical information for each participant with aphasia, as well as performance on a host of supplementary tests of speech perception, semantic cognition, short-term/working memory, and sentence comprehension. A more detailed description of the included tests, coding schemes, and usage suggestions is available in our original description of the database (Mirman et al., 2010) and in the site's documentation.